The SU Officers run a number of campaigns here at the University. If you are passionate about making a positive difference or creating awareness for people, communities or the environment then join us and get involved.


The SU Officers run a number of campaigns here at the University. If you are passionate about making a positive difference or creating awareness for people, communities or the environment then join us and get involved.

Our Student Officers represent our key liberation groups and our President and Vice-Presidents will be running campaigns throughout the year, so there should be something that interests you.

There are lots of campaigns to get involved in here at the SU: Black History Month (Oct), Alcohol Awareness (Nov), Ready to Rent (Dec - Jan), LGBT History Month (Feb) and many more. If you have any ideas for these or have a passion to run a new campaign then please get in contact with one of our officers who will be happy to help.

If there is an issue you feel strongly about we are here to help you make a change. Any student can propose a motion to push for a change within the University, the SU or any aspect of student life. Speak to a Sabbatical Officer, Student Officer or put a motion in direct to Student Council. If accepted/voted in, it then becomes SU policy and is acted upon by staff and officers. 

Below are just some of the campaigns we have run . . .