Students’ come to University to get a degree and, though we hope you have some of the best times of your life on the way, your education is the Union’s top priority.

Academic Support

Students’ come to University to get a degree and though we hope you have some of the best times of your life on the way, your education is the Union’s top priority. University Education should be a partnership between students and lecturers and the Union helps facilitate this relationship.

The Academic side of our work is led by the SU Vice President (Academic) and assisted by the two elected Academic Officers (BRC & BOC). They work in partnership with the University at a senior level on all academic related committees including the Academic Board.

These elected students are responsible for undertaking and reviewing research into the quality of education at the University of Chichester and to make recommendations and lobby the University for change and improvement. They are also required to develop and propose policy to the Student Council relating to educational issues of concern to students; this may be specific to Chichester such as feedback, or national issues such as tuition fees.

However most students interact with the Academic side of the Students' Union through the Student/Course Rep Programme which allows students to have a say in how their course is run. Some students come to the Students’ Union seeking individual representation to support them in things like Academic Appeals, Malpractice, Mitigating Circumstances or Complaints.