Represents the views and interests of Postgraduate students on Student Council and to the University

Academic Officer Postgraduate

Danika Brown




General Responsibilities

  • To represent postgraduate students regarding academic provision, facilities and services on both campuses
  • To propose academic policy to Student Council
  • To hold the Union Officer Team and Trustee’s to account on issues of concern to Post Graduate Students
  • To represent the views of postgraduate students to Student Council
  • To assist the Vice-President with the Student Voice Programme
  • To attend NUS or other events on behalf of the Union related to Postgraduate Students.


Committee Responsibilities

Shall sit on the following Union Committees

  • Student Council
  • Academic Committee
  • Student Voice Council

Shall sit on the following University Committees

  • Learning and Teaching Enhancement Group
  • Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Committee
  • Academic Standards Committee
  • Student Forum